2024 edition of the Club Extens dedicated to our CEOs

Back Published on 14/06/2024

On Thursday 13 June, Extens had the privilege of hosting an on-site Club Extens session for its CEO community.

Leading a company can often feel like a solitary journey. The opportunity to share and exchange ideas with peers is invaluable, especially when they are similarly focused on scaling healthcare software companies.

Under the guidance of @Arnaud Houette, the discussions were vibrant, covering topics such as enhancing customer training to maximize product utility, assessing enterprise value and estimating an acquisition, monitoring product development progress, integrating AI and optimizing executive committee operations.

The day wrapped up with an engaging evening cocktail, where the additional participation of key industry leaders further enriched and expanded the discussions.

About our Club Extens

The Club Extens is a unique place to meet and exchange in a friendly environment, exclusively developed for our portfolio companies. It facilitates connections between peers and encourages the sharing of best practices.

The Club community is particularly relevant as participants can relate to similar challenges they may encounter.

With a unique focus on healthcare software, Extens enables its portfolio companies to benefit from its best-in-class expertise and strategic connections to accelerate value creation.